
Linn performance is driven by decades of research and innovation.

Explore the world of Linn Technology.
Our advancements are part of our commitment to providing you with the best audio experience possible. Discover more about our groundbreaking and industry-leading technologies.

Simply better

No hi-fi manufacturer has changed the scene as much as the Linn company. It is no exaggeration to say that Ivor Tiefenbrun of Linn was the Steve Jobs of the hi-fi scene. Linn’s guiding principle is that a better signal always significantly improves the listening experience. Simply put, “garbage in – garbage out”.

All of Linn’s innovations are now part of everyday life in the hi-fi scene. Unfortunately, they are often modified in such a way that the original purpose of improving the sound is lost sight of. Here too, “simple (is) better” applies.

Simply better

No hi-fi manufacturer has changed the scene as much as the Linn company. It is no exaggeration to say that Ivor Tiefenbrun of Linn was the Steve Jobs of the hi-fi scene. Linn’s guiding principle is that a better signal always significantly improves the listening experience. Simply put, “garbage in – garbage out”.

All of Linn’s innovations are now part of everyday life in the hi-fi scene. Unfortunately, they are often modified in such a way that the original purpose of improving the sound is lost sight of. Here too, “simple (is) better” applies.


Our first-ever, entirely homegrown digital-to-analogue converter sits at the heart of a new generation of Linn products.
We pioneered high-performance digital streaming in the hi-fi industry; we’re now raising the bar further, thanks to this paradigm shift in DAC technology.


Our systems feature Exakt technology, which ensures the perfect time alignment of every part of every note.

So now you can enjoy the same precise sound that was recorded by the artist.

Space Optimisation

Space Optimisation removes the unwanted distorting effects of your listening environment to reveal the true sound of the music. So whatever speakers you use, and however you’ve designed your room, you’ll hear a performance that’s optimised uniquely for you.